Sunday, April 14, 2013

A slow and steady week!

Things are still moving along in the house.  The HVAC crew is still working running duct work and all that goes along with that whole process.  The framers are starting to work on the upstairs ceiling and have really done a great job of getting the ceilings back up where they should be.  They will be getting 5" back!!  Which is a lot of sagging when you think about it.  We will also be getting a new roof withing the next couple of weeks.  We have had some rain (ok really a TON of rain lately) and because the ceilings are down we can see there is a leak.  We also have been talking cabinets, flooring, and lighting and actually picked out all of our light fixtures this weekend!  Wow, we are worn out from that, but I am so excited at all the great fixtures we found!  Here is a little sneak peek of one of our favorites!

This is one of three we will have hanging over the island in the kitchen!


  1. I love that light fixture! ...can't wait to see it hanging in the kitchen.

    Highland Park Four Square

  2. Thanks! It is a really neat fixture! And thanks for following!
