Friday, April 5, 2013

It's still standing!

Yesterday the foundation crew lifted the basement ceiling and almost got it completely level.   We weren't expecting to get it perfectly level but were surprised at how level it ended up being.  I wasn't there to witness it, which was probably a good thing since I heard it was a little scary with all the creaking and popping noises coming out of the old house as they jacked it up, but it worked out perfectly and I've got some finished pictures of the supports in place.  

This is the block wall they built to support the new beams.  

 I'm not sure how it all worked out since I missed it but these metal posts will stay there forever.


   Today a big load of lumber was dropped off so they can start framing out the new ceiling on the main level.  Remember the ceilings on the mail level will be dropped to accomodate all of the new duct work, plumbing, and electrical. The framing is supposed to get done this weekend!! Yay!

 Also this week Todd was able to get down into the cistern with the metal detector and see if there is any treasure down there.  He did one side and didn't find anything but plans to go down one more time before we close it up for good.  We were surprised that we haven't found anything in it yet, but who knows what's on the other side.  It is also a little difficult to look around in there because of some of the debris that fell in when we uncovered it.  That makes it a little harder to get to the bottom and he is having to move stuff from one side to the other.

1 comment:

  1. tiffany schexnaildreApril 7, 2013 at 2:51 AM

    So happy for you ally it is going to be beautiful. Cant wait to see more.
